Cardamom is considered to be as the world’s third most expensive spice. Cardamom is commonly used in various types of dishes in Indian food. It has a very strong and distinctive taste and it’s highly aromatic in fragrance which overpowers other spices. Generally, it is used in various sweet and savory dishes and typically in Indian masala chai.
Cardamom tea is very popular because of its flavor, however many individuals are switching to the cardamom green tea this due to its various health benefits. According to Yoga Journal, many medicinal active elements are located within the seeds, which may be dried or steeped in hot water in order to make cardamom tea.
Cardamom has a natural anti-bacterial property that can help stabilize the dental bacteria. Usually, cardamom tea is consumed after meals and could be useful for dealing with bad breath along with other oral health issues. Cardamom tea is also a good cure for the respiratory system. Additionally, cardamom tea holds numerous ant-bacterial properties too which makes it a great astringent for external skin wounds.
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